LaunchHour TwitterChats are monthly virtual chats featuring important topics for startups, entrepreneurs, investors, and ecosystem stakeholders.
Check out our archive for past TwitterChats filled with tips like those below. See you at the next #LaunchHour TwitterChat on Wednesday, November 20th
October #LaunchHour TwitterChat:
Women in Cleantech
Q: Do you feel that there has been a change in what has been seen as a typically male dominated industry?
A: The research shows over and over again that female leaders excel in mission-driven organizations. There is no greater challenge than climate change and no greater opportunity for woman to lead the way! #LaunchHour
– Erica Iannotti (@EricaTheMaker)
A: There has but it’s subtle. I see more women starting in the service side of #cleantech and less behind the development of new #technologies and that’s ok. If anything, they’re able to derisk their path in the industry by watching other people’s mistakes first. #LaunchHour
– Tinia Pina (@viarenuble)
A. The energy storage industry has lots of dudes, lots and lots. We are working to change that, at UEP we have women in battery research, systems eng. and on the manufacturing floor. Change can be slow but it needs to be a deliberate company priority – AMA for #LaunchHour
– Ann Marie (@UrbanElecPower)
A. It’s simply a fact that women are less likely to receive venture capital in our region and across the country. 34% of our portfolio companies are women-led, and with our ability to attract capital from co-investors through our #InvestLocal Financing Programs, we’re helping to fill the gap. 19% of Launch NY’s #cleantech client companies are women-owned/managedwomen-led, since ECO launched 18 months ago, so here’s a call to all women with a great idea in cleantech to contact ECO #LaunchHour
– Marnie LaVigne (@MarnieLaVigne2) |