Launch NY Newsletter – April 2018


Launch NY

Launch NY News & Updates Upcoming Events

Launch NY COO Named To Upstate Capital Association of New York Board

Congratulations to our COO and Fund Manager, Lindsay Stencel, on being named to the Upstate Capital Association of New York board, with Rick Clonan of CenterState CEO!

Recent Study Calls for Private Sector Engagement and Collaboration to Spur Entrepreneurial Success in Upstate NY

Last year Endeavor Insight conducted two research projects, supported by Launch NY, the Kauffman Foundation, and Ralph C. Wilson, Jr. Foundation, in the Buffalo and Rochester areas. The first was a study of the entrepreneurship network among nearly 500 advanced manufacturing companies. The second project surveyed over 100 grassroots to high-growth businesses across all sectors in the Buffalo area selected through their work with local Community Development Financial Institutions (CDFIs) who provide technical assistance and financing to startup and small businesses in low to moderate income neighborhoods, provide business support and financing to businesses in low to moderate income neighborhoods, including Excelsior Growth Fund, Launch NY, PathStone Enterprise Center, and the Westminster Economic Development Initiative (WEDI). The assessment highlights the need to increase regional connectivity among experienced entrepreneurs, while improving access to capital and talent. Read the study press release and results.

Join #LaunchHour TwitterChat on April 18th at Noon to Learn How to Build a Successful Food Startup

Food startups are popping up everywhere, but what makes some more successful than others? Join us at noon on April 18th with our panel of experts and entrepreneurs, including Steve Leous, Michele Liddle, Eric Gricus, and more, to learn the recipe for success! Read last month’s TwitterChat Tips below.



April 18, 2018
#LaunchHour: TwitterChat: Recipe for Success: How to Make Your Food Startup a Success
12:00 – 1:00 PM

April 17, 2018
Socials Ads for B2B: How to Use Facebook and LinkedIn to Generate Leads
11:30 AM – 1:00 PM
Rochester, NY

April 18, 2018
WISE Symposium 2018
8:00 AM – 5:30 PM
Syracuse, NY

April 18 – 19, 2018
Entrepreneurship at Cornell Celebration
Ithaca, NY


Startup Spotlight

Launch NY Portfolio Companies Expanding their Upstate NY Teams

This month we are dedicating our Startup Spotlight to two LaunchNY Seed Fundportfolio companies who are not only continuing to raise significant capital in our region, but are also hiring local talent to join their growing startups.

Farther Farms, a food technology company based in Ithaca, NY is working to simplify food processing and extend the shelf life of fresh-cut produce without the use of preservatives, chemicals, or cold storage. Earlier this month they announced they have hired two food scientists to join their growing team. They will be focusing on their current potato products, but also expanding their research into other fruits and vegetables. The growth hasn’t stopped there for Farther Farms, they are also hiring a Research & Development Culinary Chef. For more information visit their job postingand be on the lookout for

more new jobs in the future!

3AM Innovations, a sensor technology company in Buffalo, NY, is designing and building wearable technology solutions to track firefighters during active

fires to improve safety and situational awareness. The 3AM Innovations team has continued to grow the past few months since closing their $500,000 seed round and preparing to launch their first product. Most recently they have hired a director of customer service, product designer, product engineer, and many University at Buffalo Interns.

For All Things Entrepreneurship in WNY Get UpstartNY

#LaunchHour TwitterChat Tips Launch NY Resources
LaunchHour TwitterChats are monthly virtual chats featuring important topics for startups and entrepreneurs. Join us monthly to hear from industry experts on our panel. If you missed us you can view our past TwitterChats in our archive and checkout some great tips from previous months below and be sure to join us this Wednesday, April 18th at noon for our next #LaunchHour TwitterChat.

March 21, 2018
Startup 101: Building the Right Board
View the whole chat on Wakelet.

Q2. What is the difference between a board of directors and an advisory board?

  • Jen Beckage (@PhillipsLytle) – a corporation is required to have a board of directors. It may have an advisory board but is not required to have one. #LaunchHour
  • Patrick O’Connor (@FLAREsafety) – An advisory board is a team of people chosen to guide and advise your CEO and business leaders. With the right advisory board you can expand your network and enhance your reputation with clients and advisors. BODs have voting rights to determine the strategic direction of your business, have legally defined responsibilities, and are governed by the corporation’s bylaws. #LaunchHour

Q7. Who can help startups build the right board?

  • Sharon Samjitsingh (@healthorig) – Investors are actually a great resource in helping startups build a great board. Keep in mind too that some investors will ask for a mandatory board seat and certain governance provisions. #LaunchHour
  • Jen Beckage (@PhillipsLytle) – Many sources are available, including lawyers, accountants, incubator coaches, trusted advisors, and other mentors. #LaunchHour

View the whole chat on Wakelet.

Join us for our next #LaunchHour TwitterChat, April 18, 2018 for Recipe for Success: Building a Successful Food Startup!



Upstate NY Resource Network
 Check it out here >

Upstate NY Rainforest Canvas Study
 Check it out here >

5 Business Stages – Where are you?

Each stage contains critical deliverables for moving forward. Starting with the Explore stage, see where you are on the path to success.
 Find out here >

Entrepreneur Toolkit 
The toolkit is a set of templates and links designed to help start, launch and grow your business in upstate New York.
 Check it out here >

Is Launch NY a fit for you?
Launch NY provides entrepreneurs experienced mentoring using best practice processes and connections to specialized resources both in and beyond the Upstate NY ecosystem.Thus preparing you to compete for and win the funding and additional resources needed to move forward.  Apply Now! >

Meet LNY Entrepreneur-in-Residence (EIR)
Dave Eilers

Dave Eilers is an enterprise leader focused on the convergence of technology development, innovation process, and user engagement. Over the course of his career Dave has pioneered new products, opened new international markets and developed new business models in the healthcare industry through his work with the Marmon Group of companies and InterV Medical Group/ Roundtable Healthcare Partners, resulting in a $785 Million acquisition. In 2008, Dave applied his interest in Open Innovation to the co-founding of Blue Highway, LLC; a technology accelerator focused on creating early diagnosis of adverse health conditions. In 2013, Dave helped launch the Life Reimagined Institute for AARP, focused on improving the social determinants of health for people 50+ through millions of digital interactions and thousands of live in-person seminars.

Read more about Dave and our other EIRs on our website.


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Tag: Launch NY, New York State, venture development, startup ecosystem, newsletter, April 2018, startup news, investment news, events, investor opportunities, startup resources, New York startups, New York investors, innovation, technology, entrepreneurship, economic development, New York City, Long Island, Upstate New York, Launch NY events, Launch NY investments, Launch NY newsletter archive, New York startup ecosystem news, startup investment opportunities, venture development in New York.